Complaint procedure
Make a complaint with us without undue delay from finding a defect.
In accordance with the consumer protection Act, we accept complaints:
At our warehouse address:
Company name: VocalBoothToGo-EU s.r.o.
Street and number: Dobra 1084
City: Dobra
Post code: 739 51
Country: Czech Republic
Phone number: +420 591 142 462
Contact email:
Or in any establishment or address of our registered office. (please send complaints only to the address of the warehouse)
Do not send the goods - cash on delivery (we are not obliged to take over the goods sent in this way).
Proceed as follows:
In order to deal with the complaint as quickly as possible, we recommend that you inform us about the complaint in advance by e-mail, before sending the goods to our warehouse, we recommend that you fill, print and insert a claim form into the package.
To make the process easier is also advisable to attach to the goods a proof of purchase of goods or invoice (if it has been issued) or another document proving the purchase of the goods.
If you do not use our claim form, please attach a detailed description of the defect to the package with a proposal on how to resolve the complaint.
If you do not own a printer, you can send the claim form or your own description of the defect, invoice, or another document proving the purchase of the goods, on-line to our email:
If you do not use our claim form, it is advisable to inform us about the right of defective performance you have chosen, i.e. whether you are interested in repairing the item, replacing the goods or its component, cancel of the contract document, discounting the purchase price or other rights in accordance with the civil code.
You will deliver the declared goods to us (other than cash on delivery, which we do not take over), and when sending them we recommend packing the goods very well in a suitable packaging so as not to damage or destroy them. (Thus, avoiding further problems that may arise in the transport of goods)
Failure to comply with any of the above steps or not submitting any of the above documents does not prevent the initiation of a complaint under the statutory conditions.