7-layer acoustic curtains - Adding Velcro to the curtain - Joining TWO curtains - Add LOOPS of Velcro to the RIGHT, front side

Acoustic curtains VB2GO - SonicVoid and deNoise do not need to be made of 7 layers of material because they contain an acoustic filling that eliminates the need for sewing multiple layers— usually of the same material.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of an acoustic or soundproof curtain does not depend on the number of layers but on the total weight per square meter, and VB2GO acoustic curtains have an exceptional weight in this regard.

Seven-layer acoustic curtains are curtains that have no other way to better absorb or block sound than to consist of 7 layers, usually of the same material. Some of these curtains may include a vinyl layer intended to block sound, but it is often so thin that the effect is minimal.